Weight Loss Subliminal Recordings Cds and Mp3s

So are you ready to start this maddening journey? If the answer is yes: start with stop eating junk food. Clean your cupboards of the junk food, avoid buying any, and using this subliminal to stop thinking at junk food. Once you conquer this first goal, go to step two.Stick with your diet, or lose weight. Good Luck to you – You sure will need it!

You embarked on one of the hardest journey- from the point of view of a non addicted person to anything- losing weight was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. Why? Because starving is not what a human or animal ever look forward to do. It is not that food is always good; it is that our body needs fuel, and larger bodies need large fuel. Yet it can sustain itself on 1200 calories, which is pretty small amount.

This subliminal category is my gift (Elena’s) to you. All those subliminal recordings were tested on me, my friends and my customers. And they work. Of course I some times fall back in old way; of course I sometimes binge and enjoy cakes and pizza, but after I lost a fair amount of weight my stomach seem shrunk. Medical journals say that is not true, stomach never shrinks; I disagree with them, but who knows….

Start Shaving lbs fast with self hypnosis subliminal cds for weight loss and diet.

  • End Emotional Eating

    End Emotional Eating

    If Emotions drive you to food, stop them now with subliminal to end eating your emotions.

  • Eat Small Portionss

    Eat Small Portions

    Subliminal can manage your way of eating, eating small portions is half the battle.

  • Stop Craving Carbs

    Stop Craving Carbs

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  • Ketogenic Diet

    Ketogenic Diet

    The easiest diet on the planet, stop carbs. The first 3 days are the hardest, then is easy,

  • Lose Weight Now

    Lose Weight

    Hard to start, and not to easy, but once you see first pounds gone you can not stop losing.

  • Stop Addiction to Food

    Overcoming Food Addictions

    Food is good but can become an addiction. Overcome food addiction using your mind.

  • Diet Motivation

    Diet Motivation

    Motivating to start and keep a diet. Motivation it is a key in dieting.

  • Stop Eating Junk Food

    Stop Eating Junk Food

    The Evil Junk Food must be defeated. It is everywhere - on TV and in stores.

  • Stop Sugar Abuse

    Stop Sugar Abuse

    Fight the sugar craving with subliminal, once you win this battle other things don't matter.

  • Stick With Your Diet

    Stick To Your Diet

    Start your diet, stay on track. Eat Less. Eat vegetable and use food for fuel not pleasure.

  • Speed Your Metabolism

    Speed Your Metabolism

    Everything must be in harmony, speed metabolism to lose weight

  • Stop Porn Addiction

    More Products Coming Soon

    We hope to add more products , until then look at the New Subliminal Additions