Discover the power of your mind, how subconscious and conscious work together. This is just a theory and there is no precise localization of those area of the brain. Our brain is a very mysterious machine.

Theory Of The Mind

There are four areas of the mind.  They are:

Conscious Mind The one that works while awake makes decision, stop people from succumbing to anger or instinct.

Critical Mind the one that analyze and sorts the information’s you have received during the day.

Modern Memory The area created by modern human to learn, understand, and speak.

Primitive Memory the one that takes care of all human functions, also a place where all the memories of your genetic heritage are stored.

What is the conscious mind?

  • Conscious Mind remembers and retains feelings and events for only one and a half hours.

Another name for conscious is awareness; the conscious mind is the part of the mind that process all sound, smell, visual, touch, through a filter while awake - therefore conscious.

Usually, every person is aware of what they are doing consciously.

A conscious person will be aware of what feelings they have or encounter in a different situation.
All the information received while consciously aware is stored for a short time on your conscious mind before they are filtered and stored on long term memory.
On our conscious mind, we hold the free will and discerning between good or bad.
Scientists tried to find if animal posses conscious mind as they can not express their feelings or be tested about their free will.


What is The Critical Mind?

  • Critical Mind: Partially subconscious and partly conscious. Remembers and retains feelings and events for about a day.

When negative suggestions come into the Critical Mind, the individual will reject them.
Humans are molded in the first part of their lives by parents and educators and this area of the mind develops from birth until approximately age 7-8.
In Europe, many people judge children comportment from good family upbringing during early childhood. If you ever watched a child their curiosity is amazing they touch their feet and everything they can, and learn through trial and error. If a parent tells them that there is Santa Claus or a tooth fairy they do not question and take the parents word.
After age 7 when the critical area of the mind develops things get analyzed and criticized.
The name tells everything Critical area of the brain, this means questioning everything through a filter before the information is released to modern memory.


What is Modern Memory and How is Working?

  • Modern Memory: Resides in Subconscious. Remembers and retains from conception to present day. It is responsible for processing all the informations, learning behaviors, and language.

When the critical memory decides to keep the new knowledge it becomes a new memory.
A very good example is when you hear for the first time a song on the radio.

If you like it, and gives you the pleasure to listen to it, the conscious mind is the first that become receptive to the song.

Because the song is accepted, conscious mind will send it to critical memory to analyze and criticize.

If the singer is an unknown and you have no feelings of like or dislike the song passes through critical memory and is deposited in modern memory.
When you go to sleep your Modern Memory does the sorting, need or not need.

Will this song bring me good known feelings?

If the mind decides that yes this song will bring you more good feelings in future then the song will be stored somewhere in subconscious mind if not it will be dumped and forgot forever.

Example 2- If you hear a song that you really like, but you find out that was created by a singer you dislike for an unknown reason or no reason at all, you will not even send the song to the critical mind.

Your song will be almost immediately discarded.

This is the reason we sometimes do not remember someone we just met last week.

Their impression was not strong enough to create a desire for our mind to store the information.


Where is Located Primitive Memory?

  • The Primitive Area of Mind resides in  the subconscious. As we specified earlier, subconscious is located in your mind but the precise location is unknown.

The primitive mind remembers and retains all information including genetics, evolution, and conditioning.

It also have been proven that can learn much faster than conscious, because has access to a large database, that resides in our DNA.

Primitive memory arises only when threatened or triggered and is something like a reflex. 

An example will be fear- it creates a state of fight or flight.

There are steps that our mind does through the days:

The input of a usual day goes into the conscious mind initially and then goes into the critical area conscious part. 

This is where they remain.

The critical area decodes and frees information to modern memory during sleep primarily.

 If too much information is in the critical area at once, the mind will put the body into a sleep state. This is why depressed people are always sleeping. 

Once a person is asleep, bits of information are put into the subconscious.

They are analyzed here and some are passed into modern memory. Others exit through a dream state.

Just because you sleep- your mind doesn't. Your conscious mind, the one that is the boss while awake, is going to sleep.

This is when your critical mind starts to work fastest. In this moment you enter in a deep sleep named REM, when everything is sorted, sent to critical memory , stored or discarded.

In all this time, your primitive memory- keeps all the functions of the body alive, let you breath and regenerate your cells, heal and relax.

So when the Critical mind finish its job, your primitive mind, is still working, making sure that you will wake up tomorrow happier than today.

What is Subconscious Mind?

  • Subconscious Mind is a mystery
  • The subconscious mind, it is not located in an area of the brain per se, though some scholars think that can be located in the hypothalamus or amygdala.

    Both of those area have functions that work independent of conscious mind, like breathing, having emotions, fear or love.

    However think about how your soul can not be located, and we think is inside of our hearts, or inside of our minds. Same with your subconscious mind.

    My own theory (and I am not a doctor so please take it as anecdotal) is that our subconscious mind is not in the brain but in our gut. Scientist argue that the gut is the 'first brain', and later we developed the one in our heads.

    You know the expression I have a feeling in my gut? That is something we do subconscious, we feel when things are going wrong or going our way.

    Some marine animals invertebrates (do not have a skeleton) do not have a brain. Sea cucumbers, sea urchins, and sea sponges do not have a brain but have instincts.

    There are brainless invertebrates that has been around for over 600 million years. So whatever we think that subconscious mind resides in our brain or our stomach, it is still a mystery.

What accounts for all the behavioral problems that people have?

Memory is not a computer with a perfect processor, and is affected by many factors, like pain, happiness, trauma, likes and dislikes. Study shows that the ways by which information is interpreted, stored, and retrieved can all be corrupted.

The brain is not prepared for so much input. Today’s life provides too much input in the form of TV, radio and other media. When people have too many stimuli they get anxious.

The average person has about sixteen hours of waking time for the conscious mind to make sense of information and put it into the modern memory area.

The power and strength of any ideas is dependent upon the speed and frequency with which it is received in the modern memory part of the brain. This creates a situation wherein it takes a long time for a new suggestion to take root normally. 

What is good about subliminal information that hypnosis does not offer at all, is that it immediately goes to the modern area, bypassing the conscious and critical area. This speeds up results tremendously for any self-help type of program.

Hypnosis and subliminal recordings will work on your mind- bypassing the conscious mind and targeting your subconscious. There are two major differences. In order for the hypnosis to take effect, the hypnotherapist brings the subject to a trancelike state- your conscious mind is asleep and your subconscious is awake. This can be done in a quiet environment.

Subliminal is easy- the subject doesn’t need to pay attention- they are not brought to a sleep (trance) state- and the affirmations are directed to the subconscious mind while fully awake, bypassing the conscious mind without the need for manipulation.
Maybe it has happened to you too; at times while driving a familiar route, you are daydreaming- in reality, your conscious mind is asleep- you do not pay attention to anything around you and your muscle memory does the job- driving you safely to your destination. That is your subconscious mind, the one that never sleeps.


Adapted from Professional Hypnotism (2001) by Dr. John Kappas