Diet Motivation Subliminal

Diet Motivation Subliminal

$10.99 MP3- $15.99 CD

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Diet Motivation Subliminal

This Motivation for Dieting Subliminal is made to provide you with the extra support you need to stick to your diet and achieve the perfect figure you’ve always wanted!

Most diets are just fine; they can work just as designed - the problem is, they are difficult to stick to (due to cravings, habits, or maybe you just had a bad day). Avoid foods that make you crave more.

Distract your mind from food, you eat to live and not live to eat. We know it is difficult to stick with your diet, and some times we fall from our program.

If just once in a while forget about your diet then you are on the right track, but if it is happening more then once then you need a companion.

Get through the difficult times with this tasty (for the subconscious) subliminal audio CD. Focus on your progress!

Over the years, all the cycles of you starting to diet and inevitably ending up breaking it has conditioned your subconscious to repeat the same cycle over and over again making them near impossible to break.

But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something you can do about it!

With this Motivation for Dieting Subliminal, you can finally break out of this cycle of starting and breaking cycles for good.

  • Are you tired of dieting only to end up breaking it the next day?
  • Have you had enough of bad eating habits you want to put an end to?
  • Do you want to start and finally stick to a diet to the very end?
  • Are you looking for the special something that can help lose weight for good?

If you answered yes, then we have exactly what you need! We know that today it’s harder than ever to start a diet and actually stick to it.

For example, you consciously try to eat only healthy foods that are low in calorie while avoiding eating high calorie and fat foods but as time passes you give in to your cravings again and again.

This is because that no matter how hard you try with your conscious mind your subconscious will always be stronger!

Your subconscious mind over the years of neglect of healthy eating habits has been conditioned to consume food when it wants and how much it wants – and that’s a very big problem for anyone that wants to diet and lose weight.

Our Motivation for Dieting Subliminal targets your subconscious mind to help you:

  • Bring the goals of conscious and subconscious mind closer to help you start and stick to a diet
  • Condition it to never give up especially when you’re craving junk or fatty foods
  • Give you the encouragement you need to stick to a diet without having to be urged by food
  • Increase focus and resilience to stick to a diet as well as increasing willpower and commitment
  • Get in the perfect mood to diet to slim down and look good!
  • By feeding your subconscious with positive affirmations that increase motivation and commitment to your diet, you’ll find yourself effortlessly starting and finishing any diet your start! Keep in mind, a subliminal isn’t magic. You’ll need to listen to these over and over again but with each time you listen, you’ll find it a bit easier to stick to your diet once you start!


Diet Motivation Subliminal Affirmations

I am determined to stick with my diet. I am motivated to keep my diet. I am dieting for my health. I am eating only healthy foods. I avoid all temptations. I discard all of unhealthy foods from my house. I eat strictly respecting my diet plan. I make a diet plan and I follow easily. I prepare my mind for dieting. I imagine myself healthy and happy. Dieting is fun. I eat vegetable and salads. I drink plenty of water. I am committed to my new diet. I set only goals that can be achieved. I imagine myself less heavy. I think at my diet plan as an way of life. results from my diet plan make me stick with it. I am determined individual. I incorporate my diet in my daily routine. I keep my mind busy and ignore thinking at food.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

Music Subliminal CD one track over 60 minutes:

Music Track No. 1 -63 Minutes

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

2 Reviews for Diet Motivation Subliminal


Alex - October 22, 2018:

I have been struggling with sticking to my diet for months, but after using the "Stick With Your Diet" subliminal, I have noticed a significant improvement in my motivation and commitment. The subliminal messages are subtle, but effective, and have helped me overcome the urge to give up and stay on track with my healthy eating habits. I highly recommend this subliminal to anyone who is struggling to stay motivated and committed to their weight loss goals.

George - March 11, 2022:

The "Stick With Your Diet" subliminal is a game changer for anyone who wants to stay on track with their weight loss goals. The messages are powerful and effective, and have helped me overcome my cravings and stay committed to my healthy eating habits. I feel more motivated and energized than ever before, and I know that I owe it all to this amazing subliminal. If you're serious about losing weight and staying on track, then I highly recommend giving this subliminal a try. You won't be disappointed!

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