Tinnitus Subliminal

Tinnitus Relief Subliminal

$10.99 MP3- $15.99 CD

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Ringing Ear Relief

Do you have a ringing in the ear? Are you hearing high pitch noises? You are not alone. Most of the adults are annoyed by this sound, and there is no relief in sight. Try our subliminal Mp3 for only $10.99 and see if you can find relief naturally.

Ringing Ear Relief - Subliminal Therapy is a new aproach to Tinnitus relief. You can give it a try - our real subliminal mp3s can change your life

Stop Hearing Noises!

Have you ever experienced this strange problem when you experience this ringing sensation or other noises in your ears?

You might close the doors and windows to shut any external noise. Unfortunately, it is not caused by an external sound or noise but is a common problem affecting about 10% to 20% of older adults.

It occurs due to an underlying condition like age-related hearing problems, conditions of the circulatory system, or ear injury.

You must treat the underlying cause to treat the ringing sensation in your ears.

Are the symptoms of tinnitus worrying?

Tinnitus is most commonly manifested as a ringing sensation in the ears even when you are in a quiet environment.

The sensation may increase if you leave the problem unattended. Some of the commonest noise types you may hear are:

  • Clicking,
  • Roaring,
  • Hissing,
  • Humming, Buzzing

Most people affected by this problem hear sounds that only they can hear. The pitch of this sound may vary drastically. You may hear a low humming sound that gradually goes on to become higher.

Sometimes, the problem may begin with one ear and go over to another. The problem may persist or it may come and go.

Tinnitus is often the first sign of hearing loss in older adults. Also, people working in noisy environments are more likely to develop tinnitus over a period.

However, some people may develop tinnitus for no reason.

Is tinnitus a serious condition?

Tinnitus is not a sign of an underlying condition and may be a cause of minor irritation. But it may have a significant impact on everyday life and a major cause of distress, lack of concentration, insomnia, and depression.

Effects of subliminal messages on tinnitus

Are you troubled with loads of pain and suffering due to a constant roaring or humming sound in your ears and on the verge of losing your hearing ability?

Do you often feel dizzy and have experienced vertigo attacks?

Wondering how long will this suffering continue before the situation changes.

Fast forward and look up to solutions through the subliminal messages and tune out the ringing sound.

The subliminal messages help you cope with stressful moments and assist you to focus and concentrate

Listening to the messages repeatedly makes you calmer, quieter, and less reactive and gradually allows you to fall asleep quickly and easily.

Listening to these messages creates a pleasurable experience and induces inner peace and relaxation.

The messages will have a calming effect and you may eventually realize that the state of relaxation may reduce the intensity of the ringing sound and the noise may not appear as loud.

Tinnitus may not go away when you hear the messages or create the effect of relaxation on the first day but you may gain a measure of control as you continue doing that for more days.

The gradual improvement of tinnitus creates hope and makes you familiar with the sound

You may feel habituated to the sound of tinnitus when listening to powerful recordings containing subliminal messages repetitively

Tinnitus may not go away permanently but the effect of subliminal messages can improve our quality of life drastically. So, wait no more and order your MP3s and CDs right away.

Always talk with your doctor first before starting any subliminal. We do not imply any medical benefits, and we do not advise you to purchase this subliminal if you have medical problems of any kind and especially DO NOT Use this program if you are:

  • Under age 18.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Have diabetes or blood sugar problems.
  • A history of mental disorder.

Affirmation End Tinnitus :

I am healing my hearing. I am healing my brain. Ringing and all the noises I hear are completely gone. I live a healthy life. I have good hearing. All the unwanted noises produced by my brain are gone forever. My mind is my powerful healer. I am Tinnitus free. My brain healed and filtered all the unwanted noise. The ringing is gone. My brain heals. The noises that my brain creates are subsiding. I am healthy. I feel peace inside my mind. I am getting healthier. I am finally having a quiet life. My ringing in the ear subsides after playing this subliminal. I am healthier than I ever was. I have a completely normal hearing. I have cured my own tinnitus. My mind helped me heal. I am happy to be free of tinnitus. I am enjoying every day, without hearing internal noises. I am relaxed and less stressed. I sleep well and feel better daily. I take care of my general health and improve my life daily.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Rain Subliminal
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes



Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

CD with Nature Sound: The affirmations and suggestions are "buried" in the Ocean Waves Sound; all you hear is The Ocean Waves and the Nature Sound. Final Track Silent, can be used anywhere. There is not sound to be heard by conscious mind.

  • Ocean Subliminal CD: Includes one track Ocean and Subliminal between 50-60 minutes and one track Silent Subliminal 10-12 Minutes.
  • Rain Subliminal CD: Includes one track Rain and Subliminal between 50-60 minutes and one track Silent Subliminal 10-12 Minutes.
  • Silent Subliminal CD: Includes one track Silent Subliminal up to 65 Minutes a . There is no audible sound to be heard by the conscious mind.

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