Improve Sexual Confidence


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Stop Insecurity

This subliminal should help you improve your sexual confidence, forget about what others think and live in the moment. Inside you are a beautiful individual and what is outside is just a shell, which with positivity can be beautiful and sexy too. Only positive people are happy in all areas of their life.

Love Your Body, Love Your Life

Many people can hide their insecurities, especially sexual insecurities.

Some work only on their self-esteem and become successful in jobs or relationships, but something is always missing.

Almost everyone has something to be insecure about in bed, just we do not share with our partner, and we try to hide it until the next encounter.

Many times we forget to enjoy the moment and we are focusing on whatever our partner thinks, - to be honest, at that moment your partner doesn't care, all it wants is YOU

We are always critical of our bodies because we study it, and have time to look with a magnifying mirror at every little flaw.

Guaranteed your partner doesn't even see what you are seeing

Our subliminal is intended to help you cross barriers in thinking, which stop you to enjoy your sexual life.

End your insecurities regarding your sexual life and become truly, sexually confident!

The positive affirmations contained in this subliminal recording will help you in many areas (not just sex).

Feeling inadequate? Stop it! You are unique and sexy, so just tell your stubborn subconscious that you are finished with doubt when it comes to sex. In fact, tell it repeatedly with this subliminal recording.

Be relentless Stop thinking, how you look, how you smell, how good you are in bed. No one is specialist, if you are not a professional, who cares?

You are you and your life must be enjoyed. Make your mind be blank while enjoying the pleasure in life, this pleasure can go away with time and age, and you might waste precious time

Stop limiting yourself, Stop finding flaws where are none, Stop analyzing and over thinking.

Every minute of joy that you lose it will never be recaptured. You can lose the love of your life, because somehow you made up your mind that you are not adequate.

Sexual confidence is an important aspect of a person's overall well-being, and positive thinking can be an effective tool for improving it.

Positive thinking involves focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, which can help to improve self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and increase confidence.

To improve sexual confidence through positive thinking, it's important to start by identifying any negative thoughts or beliefs that may be holding you back.

These could include feelings of inadequacy, fear of rejection or performance anxiety. Once you've identified these negative thoughts, you can start to replace them with positive affirmations, such as "I am a confident and capable lover," "I am worthy of love and pleasure," and "I trust myself and my partner."

Another way to improve sexual confidence through positive thinking is to focus on the things that you like about yourself and your body.

This can help to increase self-esteem and make you feel more comfortable and confident during sexual encounters. You can also try visualizing positive sexual experiences and imagining yourself feeling confident and satisfied.

In addition to positive thinking, it's also important to communicate openly with your partner and to practice good self-care.

This can include things like taking care of your physical health, setting boundaries, and exploring your own desires and preferences.

Improving sexual confidence through positive thinking takes time and practice, but with consistent effort, it can lead to increased self-esteem, better communication, and more satisfying sexual experiences.

Read our subliminal affirmations and see if this is what you are looking to improve. Play this subliminal daily for at least six months, meanwhile enjoy every minute. Close your eyes, and be happy.

Sexual Confidence Subliminal Affirmations

I am confident. I love my body. Others find me attractive. I feel comfortable in my own skin. People are drawn to me. I am sexy. I am charming. I feel good about myself. I am confident when approaching potential lovers. People see me sexy and confident. I radiate unconditional love. Love is natural. I project confidence. I like myself. I look good and I feel sexy. I look classy, and dress classy. I am confident. I radiate happiness and charm. I believe in myself. I am happy and feel confident in social situations. I smile easily and make eye contact with others. I am happy being me. I feel good in my own skin. I am confident and charismatic. I am a very magnetic person. I am confident in bed. I am confident in any situation. I radiate confidence. I smile easily. I make eye contact when I speak to someone. I trust my intuition. I like myself. I am happy. I have infinite self confidence. I believe in my self. I am in control of my future. I trust myself ability to make good judgments. I work towards improving my life. People feel comfortable around me. I am trustworthy. I project self confidence. I always leave a great impression about myself. I am confident. My body is beautiful. I am giving satisfaction to my partner. I am sexually confident. Individuals see me a sexual person. I am attracting individuals around me. I'm comfortable in my potency. I pleasure my companion always. I'm comfortable in bed. I like to display my entire body. My skin is pleasurable. I want to attempt new positions. I have an active sex existence. My partner appreciates my moves. I'm a wonderful lover. I am a very confident person.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

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