Stop Internet Addiction

Stop Internet Addiction Subliminal

$10.99 MP3- $15.99 CD

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Stop Spending Time On Your Phone

Take control of your online habits and break free from internet addiction with our powerful Stop Internet Addiction Subliminal program.

Uncover the hidden triggers, reprogram your subconscious mind, and regain a healthy balance in your digital life. Experience newfound freedom, enhanced productivity, and improved overall well-being as you overcome internet addiction and reclaim control over your time and focus.

Start your journey towards a healthier relationship with technology today with our transformative subliminal program.

Stop computer / Internet Addiction

Internet addiction can be stopped, with a lot of the will and with the help of subliminal. Play this subliminal anytime you are already in internet or when you feel the need to go in internet.Stop being in internet subliminal- will help you stop spending all your valuable time. Stop being tied by your internet devices. Life is meant to be lived. Stop internet addiction now and forever.

Stop being in internet every waking minute and spending all your valuable time. Stop being tied by your internet devices.

Life is meant to be lived. Stop internet addiction now and forever.

Your family and friends miss you.

Or, you don’t get out much any more- stop spending so much time glued to that monitor and get the good old days back. Time is precious, so start using it more effectively.

One way is to relax every day at a certain time and listen to this subliminal recording.

It can help give you a fresh outlook on life and feel more alive by suggesting that you are more physically active. When you believe it, you’ll do it.

If you spend too much online due to the fact that now most of us do, but you spend in a way that is detrimental to you and your family then we advise you to stop.

If you can not how about limit how much time you spend in YouTube watching funny cats. You can feel strong and in control with our subliminal audio that will help you limit the time spent in worthless websites.
Addiction in any form can be harmful to anyone. These days, addiction doesn’t need to be only substance abuse. The Internet is the newest addiction for people of all generations. While using the internet for work and studies has become imperative for everyone, one cannot deny the negative effects of using the internet all the time. And without even realizing it, it becomes an addiction one cannot get rid of. If you are in a similar situation and looking for a way out of your internet addiction, then subliminal messages can help you.

  • Do you feel to be compelled to use the internet all the time even when you are not using it for work or other genuine reason?
  • Have you become too dependent on the internet for any kind of information and knowledge?
  • Are you constantly wasting a lot of time on the internet without doing anything productive?
  • Does scrolling up and down on your social media feed feels to be a compulsory thing?
  • Do you get affected or influenced by what you see on the internet?
  • Do you feel that internet addiction is making your life difficult while affecting your work or studies?

If your answer is yes to these questions, you need to ensure that you find a way out of this addiction. And for that, you can take help from subliminal messages.

You get bombarded with lots of advertising from Google and spend 6 hours waiting for the advertising to end in order to watch 3 minutes of cute cats.
Do you not see how tech giants manipulated your life?
Instead of doing your homework, or your assignment with your work team you spend time assimilating garbage data. Then you are amazed why your brain doesn’t work so well. Because is full of garbage, nonsense data.

How Subliminal Messages Can Help You Get Rid of Your Internet Addiction

The human mind is used programming or pattern. When you are following a behavioral pattern for quite some time, it is more likely that your mind will become used to it and that will make you behave in a certain way.

You have, by now, developed a habit of using the internet every time you need anything, from gathering information to ordering food. Now, when you are listening to subliminal messages, it will help you set a new pattern of behavior, a new way of reprogramming your brain.

Subliminal messages come with a thousand positive affirmations. These affirmations will make you believe that you are in control of your situation and the internet doesn’t control you. The more you will listen to these affirmations, the more it will get hardenedin your mind.

Internet Addiction Subliminal CD/MP3Constantly being glued to the internet can create a lot of issues for you. Lack of interest in doing anything you like or enjoy and should do, feeling depressed with the projected idea of someone else’s good life, getting influenced, and making an important purchase decision or political decision, these are the consequences of being addicted to the internet.

With the help of subliminal messages, you can do away with these issues and get your life on the right track.

Subliminal messages will improve your quality of life. You will no longer feel the compulsion to scroll up and down on your social media feed and find other interests besides this.

So, now as you know how listening to subliminal messages can help you deal with your addiction to the internet, what are you waiting for? Choose your background from silence, ocean waves, or soothing music and place your order for subliminal MP3s and CDs today.

Clear yourself free from internet- and use it as a tool to get things done, or improve your business venture.

Welcome back to your life!

Stop Iternet Addiction Affirmations

I use the internet less and less. I use the internet sparingly and for specific reasons. I like to keep a clean, classy lifestyle of diverse activities. I only use the internet as a tool. I like to be outdoors. I am more and more active physically. It feels good to be active and calm and relaxed. I am happier going out more. I can relax effectively. Now that I understand the internet, I can use it effectively. I am careful about how I spend my time. I like to do both relaxation and exercise activities. I like music and good movies. I like spending time with my friends and my family. I have a well balanced schedule now. I feel good about my new time management. I only use the internet sparingly. I feel great getting out more often. I feel healthy and happier to be more active.I am in control of my technology usage, and I easily disconnect from excessive internet, cellphone, and computer usage. I prioritize my well-being and engage in activities that nourish my mind, body, and soul, reducing the need for excessive screen time. I find joy and fulfillment in real-world experiences and meaningful connections, reducing my dependence on internet, cellphone, and computer usage.  I cultivate healthy boundaries with technology, setting aside designated periods of time for rest, relaxation, and human interaction without distractions. I am resilient and capable of overcoming any urges or cravings for excessive internet, cellphone, and computer usage, choosing to invest my time and energy in activities that align with my goals and values.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

Music CD- Two Music Tracks and One Silent Subliminal

Music Track No. 1 -29 Minutes This is sold as Mp3

Music Track No. 2 -32 Minutes This is sold on Cd only

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

2 Reviews for Stop Internet Addiction Subliminal


Brad - February 02, 2019:

Who would've thought that the irony of searching the internet would lead me to this amazing Stop Internet Addiction Subliminal? It's like the internet saying, "Hey, buddy, you've had enough!" This program has been a lifesaver in helping me cut down my screen time and actually experience what they call "real life." Now I can proudly say I'm addicted to fresh air and genuine human interaction. Thanks, internet, for the unintended intervention!

Peter - March 25, 2023:

This Stop Internet Addiction Subliminal program has been a revelation for me. As someone who was constantly glued to screens, I never thought I'd find a solution. But thanks to this program, I've regained control over my technology usage and rediscovered the joys of the offline world. It's empowering to know that I can now strike a healthy balance and live a more present and fulfilling life. If you're struggling with internet addiction, give this program a try—it might just be the catalyst for positive change you've been searching for.

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