Astral Projection

Astral Projection Subliminal

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Out Of Body Experience

Our subliminal will help you achieve out of body experience and master Astral Projection. Out of body experience or astral projection can be reinforced with subliminal. Only subliminal can help your mind - and let your subconscious be open to astral projection. $10.99 for subliminal mp3.

Out of body experience can sound like unreal. But there are many who have actually experienced such a reality. You are probably wondering what is actually out of body experience (oobe) or astral projection, right? Astral projection or travel is actually defined as an experience of traveling through astral realms as an astral body, spontaneously or after being induced. In simpler terms, it is the ability that lets a person leave the physical body and travel or roam through the astral or spiritual realms or sphere.

Often there have been reports of people experiencing this during exception situations. Generally, there are few people around the world who have experienced this after some major surgery when they were in induced sleeping state or when they had actually a near death experience. However, this experience is not limited to such a stressful state only. You can gain a lot of control on yourself that will make you able to experience such an out of body travel in the spiritual sphere.

If you are wondering how you can have such an experience, then subliminal messages can help you. All you have to have are some mental traits that will enable you to experience what you are wishing for. So, when you are thinking of getting the traits and become a master controller of your awareness so that you can travel in the spiritual realm, you can take help from the subliminal messages that have been especially programmed for you.

How Subliminal Messages can Help You have Astral Projection and Travel

The ability to leave your body below and float in the spiritual realm can be a very natural process for you. The subliminal messages will help you develop the natural ability so that you can develop this ability.

For such an out of body experience, it is necessary that you have a naturally high vibration so that it can enhance your conscious state for the experience. The subliminal message will make sure that you reach the state of high vibration and can become an enhanced being to have this experience.

Our conscious mind is very limited. The subliminal messages will help you expand that consciousness and you can become a very conscious being with the enabled mind that will naturally interpret the experience.

You definitely don’t want the experience to last just for a few moments, right? For a prolonged experience, it is necessary that you can have the ability to make it last. The regular listening to subliminal messages will help you enable your mind so that you can think of extending the experience at your own will.

When you are thinking of an experience like this, often your mental blocks can prevent you from experiencing it in full potential. The subliminal messages will do away with all those mental blocks so that you can have an amazing experience.

Often people tend to forget the experience once they are back to their conscious self. Regular listening to subliminal messages will help you remember the experience when you are back in your mortal body.

So, now as you know about these ways subliminal messages can help you in having an astral projection, what are you waiting for? Order your subliminal MP3s and CDs today.

Use this subliminal CD regularly, preferably before bed or during meditation, to strengthen your intention and enhance your ability to experience out-of-body experiences and astral projection. Remember to approach these practices with patience, openness, and respect for the spiritual realms.

Affirmations for Out Of Body Experience Affirmations

I am achieving astral projection at will. I travel in and out of my body at will. I have a strong power to come back into my body. I am protected by the Universe while experiencing astral projection. I control my travels. I am relaxed before starting traveling out of the body. My mind and my body are relaxed and in harmony. I achieve easily astral projection. I can leave my body easily. I am in control of my travels. I come back to my body at will. My out of body experiences bring me peace and joy. I remember my astral projections and where I am traveling. I have a powerful will to travel out of the body. I have a powerful will to come back to my body. I am an experienced traveler.I am capable of experiencing conscious out-of-body experiences. My mind and body are relaxed, allowing me to explore the astral realm. I release all fear and embrace the infinite possibilities of astral projection.   I am in control of my astral experiences and navigate them with confidence and clarity. My astral body is light and free, effortlessly separating from my physical body.   I am connected to higher realms, and I receive guidance and wisdom during astral travel. I easily remember and recall my astral experiences upon returning to my physical body. My astral senses are heightened, allowing me to explore and interact with the astral plane. I am protected and guided by benevolent forces during my astral journeys. Astral projection is a natural and empowering ability that I embrace and develop.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

Music Track -64 Minutes

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

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