Newsletter #19 is special- it contains a very specific description of the differences between hypnosis and self-help subliminal audio tracks & CD’s, plus a few key reasons why you might want to try one of the above for self-improvement or performance enhancement- at work, or for your personal satisfaction.
Remember, one of our most popular titles is “Success & Wealth” because mindset is everything when it comes to becoming financially successful. Our sister blog (to this one), listed in “Blogroll” to the left, contains a nice cross-section of the feedback we have received since opening our doors about two years ago- it’s hard to keep up, we get so much excellent feedback from everyone, and we really appreciate it. On that particular weblog you can access feedback by month, in the ‘archives’ section on the left side of the page.
If you understand how powerful the subconscious really is, you can imagine how great it is being in the business of helping people at this level! Thanks again,