Use Law of Attraction to Help Yourself – It Is So Simple

Reach for the thought that feels better, and allow the natural well-being that is yours.”

– Abraham Hicks

Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction

Law of attraction is a fact, not fiction that is probably the most powerful law in the whole universe. You must have heard those sayings “like attracts like,’ or “birds of feather flock together.” But do you know that actually, you can attract what you have been thinking always?

Yes, our mind, especially the subconscious layer of it has the power to make it happen for us. That is why probably you always get warning that you must not think anything negative.

The more you will think about what is wrong that can happen or what obstacles can come to your path, the more you will attract them.

There are around 70 to 80 thousand thoughts that cross our mind . But when it comes to reflecting on them, around 80% of the time, we tend to focus on the negative ones. So, when you are thinking of using the law of attraction for manifesting your dreams and aspirations, it is important that you steer clear of all the negative thoughts and focus on the positive ones, the ones that you want to achieve someday.

Law of attraction governs the universe and it uses our power of the mind to manifest what we actually think of. That is why if you constantly remain under the negativity and gloomy mind, you will be always sad and will hardly find anything positive happening to you.

So, if you are a troubled mind or you are seeking something greater for you, you surely will think about how you can use this law for your achievement.

There are ways to do that and some of them are disclosed here.

The techniques or the steps that I am about to tell you can help you align with the thoughts that you are giving out to the universe. And just as Esther Hicks, the renowned inspirational speaker says, “What you think about activates a vibration within you.”

The Science Behind Law of Attraction

If you are feeling like dismissing the law of attraction to be a lie, then it will be a complete blasphemy. Actually, it can be supported by the quantum physic, in terms of the effect on the universe that influences our life and well being in general. No, you don’t need to understand such a complex theory when you are trying to understand the law of attraction. But when you are thinking of achieving your goals, just remember that the universe is always on your side.

So, in the following points, I am going to tell you how you will be able to manifest your dreams with the help of the law of attraction. Take a look but remember, it is not a magic that will wipe off all the obstacles. It will rather enable you to align yourself with your goals.

Focus on Positive

When you are thinking of anything, make sure you are thinking on a positive note. There will be many thoughts that will come in your mind. When you will be focusing on the thought, it is very easy to give in to the despair of the negative thoughts and the obstacles that can prevent you to achieve the target. It is natural. But the most important thing that you need to focus on is the positive thoughts. Do away with the negativities in your mind. Keep them aside and focus on the positivity and the confidence that it boosts in your heart and the bliss that makes you happy from your within.

Quiet Your Monkey Mind

Our mind has many surfaces. The superficial one, the monkey mind remains obsessed with the negative facts, stress and all the obstacles. When you are trying to focus on the positive facts but always the negatives are coming in the way, it is better that you think of quieting the monkey mind. It can happen only with the help of meditation. With regular meditation, you can control your wayward thoughts that will help you in focusing more on the positive things. This will help you in withdrawing from the negative patterns which will eventually help you in drawing your own positive energy.

Keep Journal

It is necessary that you keep a journal. No, there is no need to record all the single happening that is going on every day. Instead of it, you can think of listing your worries and express your gratitude. How this can work? Pay attention dear reader. Our worries are generally the result of your over thinking which is most of the time unreasonable. The reality is that you cannot have control over the entire situation. And no matter how hard you try, you cannot change every tricky situation either. But when you are constantly thinking about it, it will naturally breed a string of negative thoughts in your mind. It will make it more difficult for you to focus on the positive thoughts. So, keep a journal handy. When you are worrying about something, write it down. Once you list a few worries, read them back and you will realize how pointless they all were and how their negativity would have eaten you up.

On the other hand, preserve all your gratitude in the journal. We all receive tiny little blessings every day that help us grow stronger and happier. The universe keeps giving us many reasons to be happy. Being able to wake up every day and see a new morning itself is enough blessing for us. So, when you are going to sleep at night, write down about the things that you are thankful for. This counting gratitude will make you feel happy and blissful while your happiness is vibrating with the world in alignment. And just like Hicks says, “When you FEEL healthy and vital and alive and prosperous you attract more of all those things.”


This is the most important thing that you can do to achieve your goal. Visualizing is a technique that can help you achieve anything with the help of the law of attraction. All you have to do is transform yourself in the state that you want to be in. the trick is to feel how you would feel when you actually achieve your dreams. For example, when you are trying to attract the love of your life, then visualize it. Feel how it will be like to spend each moment with that person when he or she is in your life. Think of how blissful life will be with that person beside you. See yourself as a happy person, sharing those beautiful moments with the lover. There can be many questions that can come in your mind. How it will happen and how it will work. But don’t worry about them. Only focus on the feelings of happiness. This can be extremely helpful to setting the law of attraction on pace. Train your subconscious mind by practicing every day and you will be able to achieve the goal with the manifestation of the law of attraction.

So, now as you know about these ways to manifest the law of attraction for your own good, what are you waiting for? Start working towards it today. Start believing and you will see the way your life will change. To quote Hicks again, “The law of attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you FEEL.”


You can read here an older article about Law of Attraction. We can not stress enough how great is the Law of Attraction when is correctly applied.

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